Wednesday, August 18, 2010

AVG users - advice needed please!?

I am currently using the free edition of AVG. I have always used this, having tested both Avast and Avira - I definitely prefer AVG, so I don't want any recommendations that I try any of the other free programs, please!

However, I have noticed that sometimes when my e-mail client (Windows Live Mail) is receiving messages, I get a little silver pop-up box at the bottom of the screen, which shows that AVG is scanning them as they come in. Yet, other times this doesn't appear.

Can anyone confirm if AVG is still scanning the incoming messages, even without this pop-up box? I have opened the AVG Control Centre, and it says the e-mail scanner is fully-functional.

Any advice appreciated! Thanks.

AVG users - advice needed please!?systemworks

ColinC hit the nail on the head to do with the size of the email message.

Just to re-iterate:

Small messages are checked so fast that you never see the popup window as the scan process is complete before the program can launch the popup window.

Larger messages take longer therefore the program has time to display the popup.

AVG users - advice needed please!?windows

avg will scan everything incoming every site any emails you get sometimes it tells you what its doing other times it wont so i would not worry its a great program.
That little box only shows when large files are being downloaded. It still scans the smaller files, so there's nothing to worry about.

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