avast!,AVG ,AVIRA,BitDefender ,Dr.Web ,eScan ,ESET,Fortinet ,F-Prot,F-Secure ,G DATA ,Kaspersky ,McAfee ,Microsoft ,Norman ,Symantec ,TrustPort wich one of these is best , i mean in detection and cleaning or you know a better one please name it !!
Please some one help with these antiviruses!!?vincent
I have researched all anti-virus products and the best anti-virus protection is Kaspersky. Kaspersky is the best all-round anti-virus program. NOD32 is just as good if not better, it runs faster and has less software conflicts but may be more difficult to use.
The most popular free anti-virus programs (AVG and Avast) have poor detection rates (82.82%, 87.46% respectively). Norton is notoriously bloated and takes forever to perform full systems scans.
Recent tests prove Kaspersky and NOD32 are better than the best sellers Norton and McAfee (av-comparatives.org).
Trend Micro Antivirus is a viable alternative if you're having a lot of trouble with software conflicts. Trend Micro rounds out the top three. If you want a free anti-virus Avira has higher detection rates than AVG or Avast! (94.26%).
Please some one help with these antiviruses!!?adware remover
avg or avast
AVG Anti virus and McAfee virus scan are supposed to help a lot.check out http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-sAFtLsc8e... for more details.
avira is the best free one , but kaspersky would be a tiny bit
better but you have to pay.
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